Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Beat Of My Drum

OK so another thing I'm really into is playing the drums, I used to play when i was about 15 and did so for a few years and stopped but I recently got the urge to want to play again.

So me being me I jumped straight on the Internet started looking at some starter drum kits and it became very clear that I would need to get an electric drum kit as I live in a semi detached house and an acoustic kit would be too noisy.

I eventually found the electric kit I was looking for within the price range that was comfortable, I was originally looking at a £2,500 Yamaha kit which was way to expensive for what I was going to use it for and I'd found a £600 KAT KT3 kit which was great as I could get it on a government scheme that meant it was 0% over 9 months, bonus ball!

I then rushed down to my local music shop called Electro Music and purchased the kit there and then, along with a Pearl bass pedal and a Mapex drum stool, I'm sure the guy who sold it me couldn't believe his luck it was probably the quickest sale he's ever made.

I've now had it set up for a few months and I don't regret buying it, I love being able to come home and zone out with my headphones on, I was really surprised how fast I managed to pick it up again after not playing for so long.

Another feature that I love about having an electric kit is being able to change the sound of the kit at a touch of a button, it sounds crazy but a different sounding drum kits makes me play a completely different way to how I would normally and I love it.

I'm now thinking of getting some lessons some time soon though as I really like playing along to songs from bands like Queens Of The Stone age and rock in general but I've recently developed a taste for jazz, I don't know what it is about jazz that I love so much I just love the off beat and unpredictable feel of playing the drums to jazz but I really need to be taught how to play jazz properly.

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