Friday 26 June 2015

Back To The Wasteland...

I've recently watched Bethesda's E3 presentation for the new Fallout 4 game that will be coming out later this year and I can't freaking wait!

So my past experience of the Fallout franchise is playing Fallout: New Vegas. I was pretty late to the Fallout hype, but I was instantly hooked on the game, not only because its an role playing game which I am a huge fan of but the stories and characters that you experience and interact with had real depth with many having a tongue in cheek feel to them which made it even more fun to play.

I was also a massive fan of the soundtrack that accompanied me on my many adventures through the desolate and baron nuclear waste that that is New Vegas.

In the E3 Fallout 4 presentation it looks like Bethesda has out done them selves again, with new improvements like complete customisation to your characters face to making you own post nuclear camp site's.

Bethesda has also improved their buddy system, as you can see in the E3 presentation you now have new tactile commands depending on your environment, such as making your dog go and fetch a wrench in the distance.

They have also radically improved the weapon customisation system where the trash of Bostons nuclear wasteland can be recycled to create a plethora of weapon customisations.

One of the coolest things Bethesa announced is that the collectors edition will include a full size pip boy that you can slide your I Phone into and use a Fallout 4 app to create a fully working and interactive pip boy, they didn't mention a price on how much the collectors edition would be but its going to be a definite for any Fallout fans.

So in conclusion I'm really looking forward to the next instalment in the Fallout series, there is still no release date as of yet but they have said it will be this year so it looks like I'll be playing Elder Scrolls until it comes out.

If your on PlayStation 4 and want to add me feel free my PSN ID is BEANY89.


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